In Season three’s season finale, co-hosts Rodderick and Nicole have the delight of speaking with two guests, Mahelet Kebede (NASTAD) and Kelly Ross-Davis (1917 Clinic). Conversations go from defining trauma, trauma-informed approaches (TIA), and healing centered engagement, to how trauma impacts folks living with and impacted by HIV in the South, to the importance of utilizing sex positive language and moving away from “risk-based” language. Mahelet shares some different resources available through NASTAD’s updated trauma-informed approaches toolkit and Kelly speaks to how her clinic has worked to be more trauma-informed. This episode's Southern Charm highlights the Magic City Wellness Center located in Birmingham, Alabama. They offer many services, including primary care, Hormone Replacement Therapy, PrEP, mental health counseling and more. To learn more about the magic city wellness center go to: We hope you’ve enjoyed this season of Southern Steep: Brewing Stronger Community and look forward to being back with you in the Fall!
View the Trauma-Informed Approaches Toolkit: Addressing Trauma and Supporting Healing within the HIV Care Delivery System here.